Sunday, September 4, 2011

I am not at church today.  No, between the hurricane trip and starting a part-time job, I am totally beat.  The kids are with one of their grandmothers, so Justin and I are sleeping in.  (Side note: I often think sleep is as holy as anything else we could do.)

I guess I need to be completely honest: by "sleeping in" I mean waking up naturally (no kids yelling my name, no alarm blaring) at 8 a.m. (late for me); doing a mountain of dishes; starting the 8-hour long process of cooking a brisket; and then, finally, sitting down to quiet time.  An hour later I think I've finally rested.  A little.

Sometimes I'm compulsive like that.  It normally happens when there's clutter.  I can't stand clutter, and yet, I'm always surrounded by it.  I don't know if I just don't have enough storage space or what, but there's never enough room for the records we need to keep, the scrapbook stuff that's piling up, the information sent home from the kids' school.  It's always paper, isn't it?  Do you have this problem as well?

On Friday the kids and I cleaned out their toys, clothes and shoes.  We purged ourselves of a mountain of items.  It felt so good.  At least that part of our house is no longer overflowing.  I think I'll do the pantry/adult closets next.

Why am I blogging about this?  I'm not exactly sure; I'm kind of rambling.  (This is how I almost always write, by the way...intuitively, letting the idea take shape as the words flow.)

I think this might have something to do with half-formed thoughts beginning to coagulate in my head.  Thoughts about emptying and letting go and making room.  We often hold on to too much, don't we?  I want to make space for Him, for whatever He has for me.  I want to clear away the clutter so that He and I can sit down at an empty table, one at which we can actually see across from eachother, reach out and hold hands.

Linking up with Michelle at Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday


  1. Amen about the clutter. I so get this! Often when I find myself overwhelmed with the physical, there is some connection with the spiritual. Often, as I find order in my house, I find some semblance of order in my heart as well.

  2. Boy can I relate to this. Sometimes I can't even get down to business and write until the clutter is cleared -- and yes, it's mostly paper! And yeah, I think a lot of it is connected with the clearing of the heart and mind, too, to make room for God's presence.

    Read your post below about your Irene saga -- so glad you guys are back and safe and sound. What a trip!

  3. I like to declutter, too . . . it gives me space to think.


  4. Yes -- for me, there is always paper! And I just can't focus well when there's clutter...

    What a sweet closing idea, Jenny.

  5. For some reason I can't comment on your current post. So I cheated and came back here.

    Strong work, Jenny, on learning to let go of idols.

    I have long taught my kids that if there was a fire to grab our Christmas ornaments and photo albums. (oh, and me.)

