Monday, May 23, 2011

Heard it on Sunday...

While I did make it to church yesterday morning, most of my day was spent driving between Austin and the Texas coast with two toddlers in tow.  As such, it was a busy, tiring, but FUN day.  I don't have a lot to contribute to our "Heard it on Sunday, Use it on Monday" community, but this paragraph from Beth Moore's Finding God Day by Day devotional struck me.  I thought it might hit home with some of you too:

From May 20th:

"Our heartbreaks really aren't anyone else's responsibility.  They are Christ's.  Remember, He came to bind up the brokenhearted."

Blessings on you this day!


  1. That Beth . . . she often speaks just the words I need to hear. Glad you driving day was fun.


  2. Great quote! I must confess I had to stop reading Beth Moore - I became a little obsessed and came to realise I was study Beth instead of the Bible. Great teacher though!

  3. I have never done a Beth Moore study, but I heard her speak last December at a conference in Alabama, and I was floored. I need to read some Beth Moore!
